Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weanchee Trial Report

6 runs but only 1 Q :-(
Sky came very close to Q'ing in 4 of the others runs - today's FAST course was very hard and only a handful of dog's Q'ed.
FAST - Sky did the send nicely and then I lost track of the course I wanted to run and we ended up 9 seconds over time and no Q.  I was very annoyed with myself over this run - the Q was there for the taking and I screwed up.   Video is here:
JWW - Clean up to 3 jumps from the end.  If you watch closely you can see I cued the rear cross too soon.  Again another basic handler error cost Sky a Q and first place (he was still the quickest dog even after the refusal).  Video is here:
STD - only Q of the weekend and on the hardest course too.  Sky also won the class.  Video is here:
JWW - Another handler error and this time Sky did an off course jump.  Not  exactly sure what went wrong.  Again this cost Sky 1st place, he was 2.5 seconds quicker than the next 24" dog.  Video is here:
STD - I'm really annoyed with myself for not supporting the weaves more, I moved away laterally to setup the next jump and Sky followed me and popped out on pole 10.  Otherwise another good and quick run, video is here: 
FAST - very hard send that Sky couldn't quite do.  He blew the contact on the teeter too.  Video is here:
Sky had lots of admirers in Wenachee - I lost count of the number of people who wanted to know where I got him from.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cascade Dachshund Club - Monroe

STD: - 42 seconds, third place and 28 MACH pts.  I still think we running a little slow this weekend.

JWW: - A disaster and no Q :-(

3 runs today and 2 Q's.  We came very close to qualifying in STD too - but had a single bar down.  Sky got his FAST Excl A title today, we are now at Exc B in everything.

Thanks to Pat and Neil for recording the videos:

FAST: - 68 pts, first place, new title

STD: - 44 seconds - we were slow - bar down no Q

JWW: - 25.95 seconds - we were slow - 15 MACH pts, second place, lost by .4 seconds.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bell Vernon Kennel Assn. - Oak Harbor

Here are videos from Sky's runs this weekend.

Fri JWW - NQ, bar down, my fault 6.1yps
Fri STD - 1st place and new title >4.5 yps
Fri T2B - 2nd quickest dog, 9 points.

Sat STD  - too many errors to mention!
Sat JWW - off course, my fault 5.5 yps

Sun STD - I wanted to run slowly, Sky didn't - no Q, Sky's fault.
Sun JWW - 1st place and 17 MACH points.  8 seconds quicker than the next dog! 5.9 yps.

Saturday's STD run looked easy when I walked it, but was actually really hard - lots of handlers struggled with off course errors including me!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Western Washington Hound Assn. - Marymoor

Good job you did not wait around to watch my JWW run it was a major disaster!  We did not get to run until 5:30pm - by this time Sky had been hanging around for 6 hours and he really was not focused on me at all.  That many things went wrong I can't even remember all of them.

Anyway on to FAST.  I did not attempt the Send, instead I just used this run to train the A-frame, which we have to run twice in Time 2 Beat, and getting Sky back to focusing on me an my instructions.  He actually moved pretty nicely on this run and did what I asked of him.

Finally, at 7:30pm we lined up to run Time 2 Beat.  The sun was really low in the sky and when Sky completed the A-Frame (with nice contacts) I looked up to direct him to the next jump and got completely dazzled by the sun, I could not see where I was supposed to go and ended up sending Sky to the wrong jump.  This was a shame because he ran the rest of the course pretty well with another good contact on the A-Frame.

Oh well at least I get to run a regular trial tomorrow - I should not be hanging around for ages in the heat which does not suite either of us.

See for Sat & Sun results.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hurricane Ridge Kennel Club - Sequim

Fri 8/12
Sky ran very well - 3 runs and 3 first places!  He even beat all the Excl. B dogs.


Sat 8/13

Three runs today and two Q's. Sky missed his contacts on the dog walk so that was the end of the run for Sky. He got first place in Time To Beat and second place in Jumpers.


Sunday 8/14
No Q's today :-(
Sky missed the A-frame contact and I missed a jump in JWW.


Sunday, July 31, 2011

NW Bearded Collie Club of Puget Sound

I ran Sky today in the Beardie Agility trial at Argus - just JWW and STD.

We did jumpers first, the grass was wet but we both managed to stay upright.  Unfortunately Sky clipped one of the bars, I had my back to him and there was no video so I'm not sure why he did it.  His time was pretty decent but he there was another Standard Poodle that ran quicker - in fact this dog won the 24inch Exc B class.

Next we did Open STD.  Sky ran clean and made all his contacts!  He did them properly this time (like he does in class) - don't know why he decided to stop clowning around but I was very pleased he did.  The grass was still wet and I fell over on this run, luckily Sky was in the tunnel when this happened and I was able to get up before he emerged from the other end of the tunnel, I was not in position so I ended up "sending" him to the weaves - which he did correctly and gave me time to catch up.  Sky came first in his class and was the quickest dog in all jump heights.  This was his third Open STD Q - at last we are running Exc STD!  

Sunday, June 26, 2011

PSLRA Agility Trial : Sun

Difficult jumpers course today.  Sky took a couple of off course jumps so lost the Q, otherwise it was a good run.

Sky was back to his old tricks in Standard and launched himself off the A-Frame.  So that Sky's behavior wasn't reinforced, Stephen removed Sky from the course after the misdemeanor.

No videos published although Penny was there and took them!

After the trial we picked-up 2 x 6 weave poles w/base and a 20ft tunnel from Ric Travis of Agility A Go Go. We had come prepared to put them in the RoadTrek van , the dogs traveled to and from the trial in the Highlander.

The equipment is Stephen's birthday presents, just 3 weeks early ;-)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

PSLRA Agility Trial : Sat

No Q's today but very close in both STD and JWW.
We ran STD first and Sky did everything I asked of him - his contacts were much better today (still lots of room for improvement though).  We didn't Q because I ran the wrong course, after the A-Frame we were supposed to take a jump and then enter the cloth chute.  I went straight to the chute - I actually walked the course this way, it wasn't until all the dogs had run that the judge came over and told me that I made an impressive turn to get the dog into the chute and that it was a pity that this wasn't the course he had set.  Oh well we get another shot at STD tomorrow.  Sky had a pretty good time and beat all the other dogs - I guess running a slightly shorter course helped.
Video here: (Niel recorded this video for me - she double Q'ed today with Xena).
The JWW course was a lot easier today but we still didn't Q.  Sky put in an extra jump two jumps from home.  This was a shame because he had both his afterburners lit and was absolutely flying, he ran the course in 30s at 5.8 yards per second.  Even with the extra jump he was the quickest 24 inch dog (both A and B).  The quickest 20inch dog did the course in 26s - I think we lost about 2 seconds doing the off course jump so only a handful of Border Collies would have beaten him.  Penny wasn't at the trial today so unfortunately I don't have any video of the run.

Friday, June 24, 2011

PSLRA Agility Trial : Fri

Not too bad a day Sky Q'd in Open STD - came first with 100 points and was the quickest dog running the course (all jump heights) - even beat 2 very quick Border Collies that were jumping 26 inch jumps.  No problems with the table today :-)  
Video can be seen here: 
Next was ExcA JWW - this was a pretty hard course and Sky did everything asked of him.  Unfortunately Stephen completely forgot the course after the first tunnel and messed up his run :-(  Ironically the opening and closing parts of the course were the parts he thought he'd have trouble with and they did those bits perfectly - oh well at least it wasn't raining when they ran and both of them managed to remain on all 4/2 feet.  Also, no bars down today which was nice.  
Video can be seen here:
They are running Saturday and Sunday and as Sky only needs one more Open STD leg Stephen's hopeful that he will get his Open STD title this weekend. 

Good luck boys!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

EGRC Agility Trial : Fri, Sat & Sun

Friday  17th
Sky got a double Q today ... really!  Neither run was pretty but Stephen says, he'll take what I can get.

He now has his open jww title and is running excellent tomorrow.

No Q in fast as he didn't do the send correctly.

Fri STD:
Fri JWW:

Photos 21 - 29 

Saturday 18th
No Q's for Sky today but he came close in all 3 runs.

His last run (Open STD) had a spectacular ending and Stephen's right knee had to b packed in ice!

Stephen was very pleased with their JWW run - Sky was only 2.5 seconds behind the fastest dog in all classes and was the 8th fastest dog overall.

Enjoy - Crash and Burn is the one to watch!

Photos 1 - 5

Sunday 19th
Pat got a tripple Q today, and Sparky got a double Q.  Sky got nothing although he came close in FAST. 

No photos :-(

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Pause table in production

While I was out for the day with a friend in La Conner, Stephen stayed home and built a pause table for the dogs.  It isn't height adjustable but it does have a nice blue Astro Turf top on it!  Due to the nap it is important to ensure that the dogs jump onto the table against the nap for better grip.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Stephen spent his Memorial Day Monday building Sky an A-Frame - here are some pictures of it in a nearly finished state.

He is going to attach a swimming pool "noodle" to fill the gap at the apex of the A-Frame and I will paint the A-Frame blue and yellow next weekend.  The A-Frame is full size, each ramp is 9 feet long and 3' wide and the apex is 5'6" off the ground.   The slats are 1/4" thick and are spaced 1' on center down the ramps.  The cost of the wood was around $50, the hinges cost $15 and the paint about $30 - for a total cost of about $100 (including tax), compared to approximately $800 (+tax) from Agiltiy A-Go-Go (the ones they use at the Argus Trials).

There is a slight problem though - he may have over engineered the A-Frame, it weighs that much he has to unscrew the hinges and break it into two halves before he can move it!

He bought enough wood to build Sky a dog walk and pause table - but those will have to wait until he has more free time.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cousin Kohl

Some of you may have noticed that Kohl has not been his usual happy self just recently.  He has been very lethargic and last weekend didn't manage to complete an agility run :-(

Beth Bricker of 4 Leggers Healing and Massage was at the agility trial so we had her take a look at Kohl thinking that maybe he had some kind of pain/injury causing him to slow down and lose interest.  Beth couldn't find anything wrong with Kohl's limbs but, listening to our list of symptoms, did suggest that we get blood work done to see if Kohl was suffering from thyroid issues.  

I took Kohl to the vet yesterday for a thorough examination and blood draw, we got the results this afternoon ... Kohl is indeed suffering from Canine Hypothyroidism.  Our new vet, Dr. Miller, has Kohl on meds and we will need to monitor him over the next few weeks to make sure the dose is correct.  After Kohl is stabilized Dr Miller will only need to check Kohl's thyroid levels annually, unless of course there is a change in his symptoms, so that is good news :-)

As with most chronic illnesses, it took us some time to notice Kohl's gradual decline in health, we are very grateful to Beth for suggesting we get Kohl checked.  Next time you see Kohl we hope that he will be back to his old self, wagging his tail and wanting to be petted.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Stephen's weekend match report ...

Friday 20th
We started the day with Exc FAST, there was a contact in the send so I didn't bother to attempt it.  Sky ran the rest of the course very well, we scored 48 points in 25 seconds.  The send was worth 32 points so we scored the maximum possible, we still had 7 seconds left to do the send so we could have made it if there weren't any contacts.  No bars down and minimal barking.  

Next was Open STD.  This wasn't too bad either, he was a naughty boy and ran around the A-Frame I brought him back and he did it correctly but was very hesitant about the contacts.  We were still on track for a Q right up the very last jump.  The final jump was placed very close to the ring fencing, I rear crossed Sky into the penultimate obstacle (a cloth chute) - this was a mistake, Sky out of the chute didn't really know where I was, I called him and I think this was reason why he knocked the bar of the last jump (another triple).  To make matters worse I crashed into the ring fencing and got tangled up in it - one of the Robin's had to release me.  

The last run of the day was Open JWW.  This was a very easy course, but I messed Sky up big time - he repaid me by knocking the triple again.  I did the "backy-uppy" thing which we had been working in class, but of course I clipped the base of the jump with my foot and knocked the bar off.  The rest of the run was OK.  I was really cross with myself for this mistake as this would have been an easy Q for Sky.  

Saturday 21st
We started the day with Exc Fast again, there was another contact in the send but I thought I would give it a try.  Sky didn't complete the send correctly so no Q, he did score 47 points so he would have Q'ed easily if he had completed the Send correctly.  It was raining when we ran and the course was pretty wet.  Sky slipped on landing after the first jump but he seemed to be OK so I continued with the rest of the course.  The course was very odd - there was a chute worth 10 points right in the far corner of the ring but there was no obvious route to it.  Anyway, with the exception of the Send he ran the course I had planned and made time so was I moderately pleased with his performance.  

Next was Open STD, Sky didn't make his contact on the dog walk (3rd obsticle) so I pulled him from the course.  

Finally we ran Open JWW.  This was an incredibly fast course and I admit I got a little carried away.  Everything was going fine until the turn just before the weaves, I didn't turn soon enough and Sky had no chance entering the weaves on the correct pole,  I re-did the weaves and everything was fine.  After the weaves we were supposed to double back, take one more jump and finish on the chute.  Somehow I managed to get him to back jump the last jump and we blew the Q - this was a real shame we had a lot of fun running the course.  Ironically Pat (one of Stephen's training partners) made exactly the same back jumping mistake that I made.  

Sunday 22nd
No FAST today so we started with Open JWW.  This was a nice course but I wasn't confident Sky would get the weave entrance first time.  When he did it I called out YES! and of course this caused him to pop out of the weaves!  I put him back in and he completed the course clean.  At last we have a Q - his second in Open JWW and second place on this run.  My weaves mistake cost Sky 5 seconds, without that he would have easily got first place.  

Open STD was not so good.  Things were going fine until the A-Frame where Sky decided not to bother with the contact.  I pulled him from the course immediately afterwards.  

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Spokane Dog Training Club Agility Trial

Place holder for Stephen's match report

We stayed at Sun Lakes-Dry Falls State Park en route to Spokane for an agility trial at Sontag Park.  Stephen called it the most spectacular place you've never heard of.  It is hard to comprehend the great vastness of the area and it's even more difficult to depict in photos.  Next time we'll make the trip to Dry Falls and then head North up to Steamboat Rock State Park and onto Grand Coulee Dam.  In the meantime, enjoy these photos

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Four runs and no Qs

Here's Stephen's match report sent to his trainer ...
I have video of all the runs so there isn't much additional to write about.  The good news is Sky made all his contacts.  He seems to have finally figured out how to run the dog walk and teeter but he is still really confused about what I want him to do on the A frame.  The bad news is he missed the weave entrance 3 times out of 4 and he knocked bars off the triple jump 3 times out of 4 too, including one spectacular wipe out where he flattened the whole jump.
So things I really want to work on in class for the next few weeks are:
1. Weave entrances from all angles with the wires up so he has no option but to do it correctly.
2. Triple jump - partiularly a sequence where we do the triple and then immediately do the weaves.
3. Approaching the table at speed.
Sat May 7th JWW
Sun May 8th JWW

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Both Dogs at the Poodle Trial this weekend

Stephen's trial report ...

I ran both dogs in the Poodle agility trial this weekend.  We didn't do very well - 8 runs and no Q's. 

Saturday April 30th
I ran Kohl first on ExcB STD,  he didn't do too bad.  Unfortunately he said "Hi" to the judge which cost 6 seconds and 5 refusal points.  He went on to run the rest of the course clean but was 1 second over time.  If he had not stopped to say hello to the Judge he would have Q'ed.

Next I ran Kohl in ExcA JWW but did not do very well.  He popped out of the weave poles on the last pole!  Jumped off course (which was my fault) and was 16 seconds over time.

Sky didn't get to run until 2:30pm - we arrived at 8:30pm which meant he was hanging around for 6 hours before running.  He ran STD first and made all his contacts but he slid off the table, so no Q.  He did impress the judge somewhat, as I finished my run the judge came over to me and said "what an amazing dog" - which was nice.

Sky ran JWW next it was a pretty good run, but he knocked a bar off and took an off course jump - not really sure why he did either.  He was very quick and did some amazing weaves - oh well there is always tomorrow.

Sunday May 1st
Ran Kohl first again in STD and then JWW.  He ran both courses perfectly but was over time in both so no Q.

I did not run Sky very well at all today.  Again we had to hang around for ages before I got to run him - a 7 hour wait today!  By the time we got to run he was like a coiled spring.  On Std he made all his contacts including the table.  For some reason he popped out of the cloth shute I put him back in but he got a refusal.  After the weaves I did my front cross at completely the wrong place - I intended to do it after the next jump but for some reason I did it before.  I turned around and was literally right in front of the jump, there was no way Sky could even see the jump let alone take it - so another refusal.

On JWW Sky ran very nicely - but I was late with several of my cues.  We didn't qualify and I can't exactly remember why - I think we had an "off course" jump very close to the end.

So in summary Kohl ran pretty well  and I had all the time in the world to get into position for my turns.  Sky ran well too but I handled him really badly - the long wait before running both days didn't help.  Penny will be with me next weeked so I should have some video of our runs.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

One step forward ... two steps back

Stephen and Sky started with Excellent FAST.  There was an A-Frame in the send so Stephen decided not to risk attempting it from a distance, instead they ran the course like  regular STD.  Sky did OK, he did the send sequence correctly with Stephen on the dog side of the tape.  Sky also made all his contacts and they were under the course time.  Stephen thinks they might have Q'ed on this course if they had attempted the send but he didn't want to risk Sky launching himself off the A-frame again.

Next was Open Jumpers.  This was a very quick course with lots of "off-course" possibilities.  Sky was absolutely flying and completed all the tricky stuff perfectly, unfortunately he clipped a bar just before he entered the weaves.  Stephen is pretty sure he did this because he called out "weave" whilst Sky was still airborne.  Stephen thinks that he should stop talking to Sky while he's running as he doesn't need many verbal cues these days.  Sky would have been the quickest dog by a big margin, he was the last dog to run in the class and as Stephen was putting the leash on Sky the judge went up to them and complement Stephen on Sky's performance which was nice.

Finally they ran Open STD.  This was a very short run.  The opening sequence was jump, dog walk, chute.  Unfortunately Sky missed his contact at the bottom of the dog walk so Stephen pulled him off the course.  

Watch this space for videos to follow ...

Next event : Sat 4/30 & Sun 5/1 PSPC Agility Trial - Argus Ranch

Friday, April 15, 2011

New Standard Novice Title!!

Stephen took the day off work and ran Sky in the Manchester Terrier agility trial.

The first run was Exc FAST.  Sky came really close to doing this correctly - the send was shoot-jump-shoot.  Sky did this but unfortunately he went in the wrong entrance to the last shoot.  Like last week hardly anyone qualified in this event.  Here is a link to the run:

Next was Open JWW.  Things were going fine until jump 11.  Stephen thinks he held his arm too far out which caused Sky to go off course.  This was an odd course, it was pretty much identical to the Excellent JWW course except they had 1 fewer jump.  Stephen thought the open course was harder because the way they removed the jump meant he and Sky had a tighter course to run.  Here is the run:

Finally they ran Nov Std.  They ran clean in 40 seconds and came second.  The dog that won had the benefit of running the course twice, the first run was clean but the timer didn't work - so she got to run it again and ran much quicker.  At last Stephen and Sky are out of novice!!  Here is the run:  The contacts still aren't great, they are losing so much time on them.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another Clean Run in Novice STD .. two down one to go!

Just two runs today starting with Open JWW.  Things were going very well until 4 jumps from the end.  Stephen could tell that Sky had locked onto an off course jump and he tried to call him away from it.  Unfortunately Sky was still airborne and Stephen's calling caused him to knock the bar - to make matters worse he still did the off course jump.  With hindsight Stephen says he should not have attempted a front cross at this jump, he could easily have taken him over the jump and the next jump and then do a rear cross.  Here is a link to the video:  Note that he did a funny bunny hop over the first jump as Stephen didn't give him enough room for a full stride.

Their last run of the weekend was Novice STD.  Unfortunately Stephen doesn't have any video of this run.  Sky was really flying, he did a clean run with much better contacts (still lots of room for improvement though) he completed the course in 36 seconds the standard course time was 72 seconds!  He averaged 4.01 yards per second, he came first in his class and had the quickest time of all the dogs by a big margin - he beat all the Border Collies and the Shelties :-)

The bad news is Stepphen injured my left calf muscle again (off to the physio tomorrow) on the last run of the weekend - not as bad as before but he really could have done without another injury.

Overall it was a pretty good weekend - 3Q's and 3 1st places out of 5 runs, plus he was quickest dog both days in all of Novice STD and the 3rd quickest in all of Open JWW.  Sky is developing quite a fan club, lots of people came up to me over the weekend and wanted to know how old he was, where we got him from and where we train.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Today was Sky's best ever agility day!

Stephen & Sky had 3 runs starting with ExcA FAST.  Here the SEND was very hard, only 3 dogs made it and only 1 dog that made it actually Q'ed, so Stephen didn't feel tool bad that Sky couldn't quite pull it off.  Here's a link to his run:  He ran the course Stephen wanted him to run, but he popped out of the weaves, not really sure why.

Next was Open JWW.  Sky did very well here, he had a clean run in 23 seconds (18 seconds under the course time) - he won his class and averaged 5.76 yards per second.  Sky was the third quickest dog in the competition beaten by two Border Collies.  Here's a link to his run:

Finally, they ran Novice STD.  At last he had a clean run in 42 seconds - a full 25 seconds under the course time!  He won his class and was also the quickest dog in the competition, he averaged 3.4 yards per second.  Here is a link to his run:  Watch him look for the rest of the poles when he completes the weaves (he's used to 12 not 6!).  Stephen doesn't think it was a great run, Sky's contacts left a lot to be desired -  but at least he made them.

Overall they did really well and I'm very proud of them both - extra rations for Sky and Kohl tonight!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

By Jove ... I think he's got it!

Sky has been amazingly good in class this week and things are finally coming together for us in obedience.  We are becoming more of a team and he is really thinking.  Three things stand out:

  1. After we were done 'slithering' (heeling down the long side of baby gates) we changed exercises and went onto 'recalls'.  Sky did a really nice recall but was a little confused by the baby gates that had been left out in the 'ring'.  He knew that he'd previously been asked to go around them so he did, on the way back to me for his front 'exercise' ... bless
  2. We were doing 'go outs', which he is usually very good at.  However, doing a 'go out' to a blank wall, without any kind of guidance is very difficult.  He went all the way out on his own but got to the wall and didn't know what to do so he found a wall support and went and sat by it ... only about 8 ft off target.  So cute ;-)  I showed him where I wanted him to run to and next time he was perfect, good proofing exercise.
  3. On Tuesday we did 'directed retrieves' but we made it a little harder by putting dark cookies on a clear plate so that they didn't show up on the dark floor.  I sent Sky to the plate and he went all the way out to the plate but didn't see the plate or the cookie :-(  I had to show him where it was, this was proof that he is following my directions and not just running to the plate with the cookie on it :-)
I'm so proud of my boy this week! 

On Monday we started training for scent discrimination, I have never done this before so it is very exciting ... Sky likes it too as it involves lots of tasty cheese!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Naughty, naughty Kohl

What is it with dogs running off just recently?  

I was bringing the dogs back behind our house after their morning walk and Kohl decided to go down the bank onto the grass next to the private road to poop.  Of course, he didn't come back up the bank but continued down the road to visit our neighbor's dog!  I didn't want to go onto their property to get him (we are in dispute with them over who is responsible for maintaining the grass along the private road ... the grass that Kohl pooped on!)  Anyway, luckily another neighbor came along in her car and on hearing me chatting with Lilian, Kohl came to investigate.  All this was too much for Sky, who had been waiting patiently in the yard!

With both dogs under control I came home and decided to play ball with them in the yard, but not before putting on their Invisible Fence collars.  This worked out fine, no disputes and everyone was happy.  It must have been while I was wiping off Sky's feet that Kohl stole the tennis ball and brought it into the house!

Now, what is the sentence for absconding and theft I wonder?  Other than losing his off-leash privileges ;-)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yogi's Sunday morning visit ...

Mike & Linda have a new Berner puppy from Cindy Switzler  at Werlmind Bermese and his name is Yogi.  He is about 12 weeks old and growing fast!

Yogi got to meet Ghost and was very good with him.  When Ghost had enough of being sniffed, he just hopped up on the sofa out of harms way.

Yogi also got to meet Sky and then Kohl for the first time ... it was very uneventful, as we would want :-)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Seattle Dog Show : Agility

We went to the Seattle show today.  Both dogs were entered in STD and JWW for today and tomorrow (Saturday and Sunday).
Because of Stephen's injury he could not run either dog but Don Rosen kindly agreed to run Sky in Nov STD.  They both had a lot of fun and Sky managed to win over the crowd.  Most importantly Sky made all 3 of his contacts, but ultimately Sky ran off around the ring looking for us so no Q's.  It was the first time anyone else had handled him so he did pretty well ... at least he didn't jump out of the ring.
Stephen and Sky's next "event" is going to be a Barb Davis Seminar next weekend.  It's not looking like Stephen will be fit enough to run so he'll either just audit or practice distance control ready for FAST.

I'm going to take Sky back into Seattle tomorrow to give him some more socialization and work on his attention.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

No competing this weekend

Stephen's out of action for running agility at the Seattle Kennel Club show this weekend :-(  He'll just be spectating.  

Yesterday the physio confirmed the diagnosis of a torn calf muscle.  He's at home with his leg elevated and wrapped in ice, back to the physio tomorrow for further treatment.

At least I'll be able to train Sky so the weekend won't be a complete write-off.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Update on Stephen's fitness ...

Stephen went swimming this morning without any ill effects.  His leg is still swollen but hopefully the physio will help with that, he has 2 sessions scheduled before Seattle: Tues & Thurs.  Let's keep our fingers crossed that he gets better quickly!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Next Trial: Seattle Sat 12th & Sun 13th March

Several of our friends have asked about coming to watch Stephen and 'the boys' perform agility at Quest Field next weekend at the Seattle Kennel Club Dog Show.  

It is difficult to calculate what time they will be running but below are approx times:

Saturday 12th
Kohl around 10am and 2pm
Sky around noon and 4pm.

Sunday 13th (don't forget clocks go forward one hour!)
Kohl around 9pm and 2pm
Sky around noon and 4pm

Basically, his runs will be pretty evenly scatted throughout both days.
There is only one problem ... while competing with Sky yesterday, Stephen had a bit of a disaster and tore his left calf muscle.  He was unable to complete the course and had to retire from the competition, here's a link to the video if you're interested  He was due to compete again today but is at home resting.  This week he will undergo intensive physio so that he will be able to compete next weekend.  He is determined to run Kohl even if he is not able to run Sky.  I will keep this blog updated with his progress.

Whatever the outcome, we hope to see you at the show next weekend, there will be plenty to see and, if you're a dog lover, you're sure to enjoy!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Christmas present arrived Saturday ...

My Christmas present arrived Saturday.  It was on back order for the longest time and didn't arrive in time for the big day but it's here now!  So far it's only been used to dry Stephen's Porsche which had a puddle behind the passenger seat that needed to be dried out.  I should have taken a photo but here it is from a web site ...

As you can see, it's a professional model so should last a long time :-)  Once I start using it I'll post some images.