Next was Open JWW. Sky did very well here, he had a clean run in 23 seconds (18 seconds under the course time) - he won his class and averaged 5.76 yards per second. Sky was the third quickest dog in the competition beaten by two Border Collies. Here's a link to his run: user/ghostyboyster#p/u/0/l2P_ FkkwCzM
Finally, they ran Novice STD. At last he had a clean run in 42 seconds - a full 25 seconds under the course time! He won his class and was also the quickest dog in the competition, he averaged 3.4 yards per second. Here is a link to his run: user/ghostyboyster#p/u/1/ 0GpNmN35aco Watch him look for the rest of the poles when he completes the weaves (he's used to 12 not 6!). Stephen doesn't think it was a great run, Sky's contacts left a lot to be desired - but at least he made them.
Overall they did really well and I'm very proud of them both - extra rations for Sky and Kohl tonight!