Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Stephen spent his Memorial Day Monday building Sky an A-Frame - here are some pictures of it in a nearly finished state.

He is going to attach a swimming pool "noodle" to fill the gap at the apex of the A-Frame and I will paint the A-Frame blue and yellow next weekend.  The A-Frame is full size, each ramp is 9 feet long and 3' wide and the apex is 5'6" off the ground.   The slats are 1/4" thick and are spaced 1' on center down the ramps.  The cost of the wood was around $50, the hinges cost $15 and the paint about $30 - for a total cost of about $100 (including tax), compared to approximately $800 (+tax) from Agiltiy A-Go-Go (the ones they use at the Argus Trials).

There is a slight problem though - he may have over engineered the A-Frame, it weighs that much he has to unscrew the hinges and break it into two halves before he can move it!

He bought enough wood to build Sky a dog walk and pause table - but those will have to wait until he has more free time.