Saturday, November 29, 2008

Moonstone Maybe Tomorrow NA NAJ

Moonstone Maybe Tomorrow NA NAJ

11/29/2008 1:46:51 PM
CONGRATULATIONS to Kohl and Stephen for gaining two new agility titles on Friday November 28th, 2008!!!

Yesterday, we set off early in the morning for Trails End Arena near Olympia (our state Capital) so that Stephen and Kohl could compete at the Evergreen Afghan Hound Club Agility Trial.  As it was our first time at this venue, we arrived nice and early, only one of Stephen's follow classmates was there, it was good to see a friendly face and have someone to walk the course with :-) 

The first event was jumpers with weaves, Stephen was pleased to find the course very straight forward and Kohl found it so too.  Although he was slow, you can see for yourself in the video I took by clicking here, he only had 3 penalty points, got a score of 97 and was placed first!

We had to wait some time for the standard agility class, by which time we knew the JW result and the pressure was on to get a 'Double Q' (two qualifying scores at the same show on the same day).  This was their last opportunity to compete in Novice A, due to the win earlier in the day, moving forward they would now have to complete in Novice B.  Stephen maintains that this was the most difficult course they have had to navigate, yet he and Kohl did a great job.  They lost some time on the table when Kohl was slow to go into a down and Kohl hesitated at the last jump, which the judge decided was a refusal butthey did it!!!  With a score of 90 in STD this guaranteed that they would get a 'Double Q'Two First Places and get Two New Titles  ... I am very proud of them both!