Sat Aug 28th
Just two runs today as Stephen withdrew Sky from STD.
They did Open FAST first, the run was a little untidy as Stephen avoided the A-frame and tyre which were on the main route to the SEND. Sky didn't seem to get the SEND at first, but as he didn't enter the no go zone they did not get a refusal, Stephen pulled him back and repeated the SEND and this time he did it perfectly. A short loop of jumps plus the See-Saw and they finished, 63 points in 29 seconds, plus they got first place!
Next onto Open JWW, this time Sky was really focused, he ran the course perfectly, including doing some killer weaves. Unfortunatley, he clipped one of the easy jumps (Stephen thinks he may have taken off to soon again) anyway they completed the course in 25 seconds. Although they didn't qualify they had the second quickest time of all the dogs entered - beaten by Cool, Lisa Ross's super quick Border Collie.
Video links below
Came very close to qualifying again in FAST - the Send was a double, followed by a single then a wrap back over the double, all from a distance of 12 feet. Sky did all three but there was a slight hesitation when he came back to the last double, which the judge called as a refusal, they still got 50 points even though they didn't get the Send bonus!
However, Sky did something very bad at the end of the FAST run (tore Stephen's shirt) with the result that he's now grounded (literally) - no more until Sky can control his enthusiasm.