Snoking Agility Trial at Argus, Sky had 4 runs this weekend and still no Q's, although they did come very close in both Open JWW runs.
On Saturday's JWW run there was a jump straight in line with the end of the weaves, but they had to turn sharp left and enter a tunnel. Stephen knew that if he left Sky early to cue the tunnel he would pop out of the weaves and he also knew that if he stayed with him all way he'd take the jump that was straight in front of the weaves. On the run he tried to cue the tunnel and sure enough Sky popped out at the very last pole. Stephen made him repeat the weaves, stayed with him all the way and he took the sucker jump. After that Stephen pulled Sky back on course and did the rest of it the perfectly. Sky was still one of the quickest dogs in the class even though he did the weaves twice and took an extra jump. At least Stephen now has something that we can work on in class on Thursday.
They came even closer to Q'ing on Sunday - Sky was really flying but unfortunately just clipped the second jump (a double), everything else was perfect. Again Sky was super fast and wasn't barking or mouthing Stephen at the end :-)
STD was all about missed contacts. Sky made 2 out of 3 on Saturday but only 1 out of 3 on Sunday.