Sunday, March 21, 2010

Seattle Dog Show

Seattle Dog Show

3/21/2010 9:43:31 AM
Last Saturday (March 13th) Stephen and Kohl competed at Seattle Dog Show.  Kohl was entered into 2 classes Open Standard and Open Jumpers (not in preferred!).  Considering that the show is held in the Quest Event Center, is huge and noisy, plus the agility is run on carpet, they did very well.
They completed the standar class within time and with 100 points to gain first place!!!
By the time they got to the jumpers class they were both tired and very unlike Kohl, he knocked down a jump.  They also had two refusals, a sure sign that Kohl was 'checked out'.  However, they were both proud of their achivement and even made it onto the TV ... you can see the clip on the Seattle Times web page, blink and you'll miss it (2:25 into the video if you don't want to watch the whole thing ;-).