Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kohl's got JWW leg in Open

Kohl's got JWW leg in Open

6/21/2009 9:13:47 PM
Last weekend Sky and I travelled with Stephen and Kohl down to Argus Ranch for the Puget Sound Golden Retriever agility trial.  All our buddies (both two and four legged) were there competing as well so it was a good day out.  Unfortunately, not so good for Stephen and Kohl, as they didn't get a clean run in either STD or JWW.  In STD, something outside of the ring distracted Kohl while he was on the teeter totter (see saw to you and me) and he tottered off  Sad  startling himself so much that he left the ring, despite Stephen's best efforts to call him back Embarrassed  In the next class, Sky and I stayed at the car so that we couldn't be accused of distracting 'the boys'.  Although they had a good run, they didn't qualify, missing the entry to the weave poles and knocking down the penultimate jump didn't help!  You can Click here to watch
Yesterday they had a trial closer to home, in Monroe.  First class, JWW they had a clean run but were 11 seconds over the course time which meant that they scored 78 points and came third but because 86 points are needed to qualify, they didn't manage to get a 'leg'.  In STD both Kohl and Stephen went wrong Confused  Stephen stepped over the end of the dog walk and Kohl jumped off the teeter totter.  Today they did much better!!  They qualified in JWW with a score of 88 and came third overall Smile  In STD Kohl went into the tunnel the wrong way and then wouldn't move off the table at the end of that exercise so Stephen retired him.
All in all, not too bad ... well done Stephen and Kohl