Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sky's week ...

Sky's week ...

6/21/2009 8:35:06 PM
Poor Sky has had a traumatic week.  It all started on Monday morning, I noticed at lunchtime that his right eye was bloodshot and slightly swollen, by the time we went to the vet's office in Kirkland, for his follow-up appt from having a tooth extracted ... that's another story, it wasn't looking too good.  Dr Matson commented that his eye was red and swollen, I thought it was just conjunctivitis from all the grass pollen around.

That evening when I was training Sky, I noticed that it was getting worse, by the next morning Sky's eye looked awfully red and swollen.  Tuesday morning I left a message at Northwest Animal Eye Specialists but they wouldn't see Sky unless he was an emergency, referred by a vet.  Stephen volunteered to take Sky to our regular vet's office, Redmond Fall City Animal Hospital.  He came home with a steroid/antibiotic cream an Elizabethan collar and a sad puppy.

Sky slept in our bedroom Tuesday evening and, as there was no improvement on Wednesday morning, it was my turn to take him back to the vet.  Dr. Erin Maillet cleaned-up his eye and we agreed that if there was no visible improvement by Thursday morning, our next appt, she would refer him to Dr Jones At Northwest Animal Eye Specialists.

Thursday morning there was little improvement, despite having religiously administered the eye cream, so Stephen dropped Sky off as an emergency admission at Northwest Animal Eye Specialists.  The first thing they did was to call Stephen right back and ask if they could give him pain meds, when I collected him this evening, Dr Jones said that on a scale of 1 -10 Sky's pain level was at least a 9 :-(  When she tried to examine him, he was in so much pain that he gave himself hiccups, she had never seen this before!

To cut an already long story short, he is home with us now and is on the following medications as well as the eye ointment, which has been doubled in dosage and increased to 3 x per day:
  • Oral antibiotics
  • Oral anti-inflammatory
  • Oral pain killers
 Dr Jones doesn't know what caused the trauma to Sky's eye and couldn't find anything wrong with it, did I mention it is his right eye.  Unfortunately, due to all the swelling, she wasn't able to get a really good look.  She'll have another look when things have calmed down.  Good thing that we went to see Dr Jones Thursday as she had a medical procedure herself on Friday and won't be in the office next week.  However, her techs have kept in touch and we have a follow-up visit scheduled for July 1st.

The dogs have had a busy weekend, Stephen and Kohl were competing at an Agility Trial (see separate Blog) and Sky and I went up to Arlington to an obedience seminar: Sandra Ladwig "Straight Talin' Training".  We weren't able to partake in any of the activities but I learnt heaps and took loads of notes.  Once Sky's fully recovered he's going to be put to work
We made lots of new friends, there were 2 other poodles and I got chatting to one owner and her groomer.  We've done a deal, I'm going to type up my notes for her and she's going to teach me how to clip my poodles :-)  A win win situation!

Kohl's got JWW leg in Open

Kohl's got JWW leg in Open

6/21/2009 9:13:47 PM
Last weekend Sky and I travelled with Stephen and Kohl down to Argus Ranch for the Puget Sound Golden Retriever agility trial.  All our buddies (both two and four legged) were there competing as well so it was a good day out.  Unfortunately, not so good for Stephen and Kohl, as they didn't get a clean run in either STD or JWW.  In STD, something outside of the ring distracted Kohl while he was on the teeter totter (see saw to you and me) and he tottered off  Sad  startling himself so much that he left the ring, despite Stephen's best efforts to call him back Embarrassed  In the next class, Sky and I stayed at the car so that we couldn't be accused of distracting 'the boys'.  Although they had a good run, they didn't qualify, missing the entry to the weave poles and knocking down the penultimate jump didn't help!  You can Click here to watch
Yesterday they had a trial closer to home, in Monroe.  First class, JWW they had a clean run but were 11 seconds over the course time which meant that they scored 78 points and came third but because 86 points are needed to qualify, they didn't manage to get a 'leg'.  In STD both Kohl and Stephen went wrong Confused  Stephen stepped over the end of the dog walk and Kohl jumped off the teeter totter.  Today they did much better!!  They qualified in JWW with a score of 88 and came third overall Smile  In STD Kohl went into the tunnel the wrong way and then wouldn't move off the table at the end of that exercise so Stephen retired him.
All in all, not too bad ... well done Stephen and Kohl

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Delta Society Pet Partner Evaluation

Delta Society Pet Partner Evaluation‏

6/7/2009 8:24:54 AM
I am pleased to report that Kohl and I completed our Delta Society Pet Partner Evaluation yesterday.  We are qualified to visit in predictable environments (no requirements) for another 2 years!

Two years ago we were evaluated by Diane Rich, this time we went to Healing Paws Education Center (Christi Dudzik) and were evaluated by Teri Burke.  All in all, I was pleased with Kohl, Teri made a comment on the sheet that we are a very nice team!

Now all we need to do is complete the annual hospice assessment!