Monday, April 30, 2012

Kohl has officially retired from agility ...

Mr Kohl got his final ExclA Jumpers leg on his first run (Fri 4/27/2012) - he came third too!  His agility days are now over, Stephen moved him up to ExclB for the last two days and it was pretty clear he wasn't enjoying it.
Five out of six of Skyboy's runs were very good.  They had a bar down in two of the JWW runs and he missed the dog walk contact on all three STD runs - Stephen's just signed up for Daisy Peel's running contacts class so he's hoping Sky will soon figure the dog walk out.  Here's a video of Sky's best JWW run, he came second and was beaten by a Border Collie.
We are off the SnoKing this weekend and then Spokane the following weekend.