Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weanchee Trial Report

6 runs but only 1 Q :-(
Sky came very close to Q'ing in 4 of the others runs - today's FAST course was very hard and only a handful of dog's Q'ed.
FAST - Sky did the send nicely and then I lost track of the course I wanted to run and we ended up 9 seconds over time and no Q.  I was very annoyed with myself over this run - the Q was there for the taking and I screwed up.   Video is here:
JWW - Clean up to 3 jumps from the end.  If you watch closely you can see I cued the rear cross too soon.  Again another basic handler error cost Sky a Q and first place (he was still the quickest dog even after the refusal).  Video is here:
STD - only Q of the weekend and on the hardest course too.  Sky also won the class.  Video is here:
JWW - Another handler error and this time Sky did an off course jump.  Not  exactly sure what went wrong.  Again this cost Sky 1st place, he was 2.5 seconds quicker than the next 24" dog.  Video is here:
STD - I'm really annoyed with myself for not supporting the weaves more, I moved away laterally to setup the next jump and Sky followed me and popped out on pole 10.  Otherwise another good and quick run, video is here: 
FAST - very hard send that Sky couldn't quite do.  He blew the contact on the teeter too.  Video is here:
Sky had lots of admirers in Wenachee - I lost count of the number of people who wanted to know where I got him from.