Monday, January 17, 2011

Christmas present arrived Saturday ...

My Christmas present arrived Saturday.  It was on back order for the longest time and didn't arrive in time for the big day but it's here now!  So far it's only been used to dry Stephen's Porsche which had a puddle behind the passenger seat that needed to be dried out.  I should have taken a photo but here it is from a web site ...

As you can see, it's a professional model so should last a long time :-)  Once I start using it I'll post some images.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Girlfriends ...

The poodles seem to have quite a following of two legged girlfriends :-)  Just after Christmas we had a visit from Alice, who was greeted by Kohl ...

Alice liked playing with the dog toys as much as the dogs did!

Sky's favorite game is 'tug' .... in the photo below, everyone was joining in!

Yesterday, on a visit to Portland to catch-up with good friends, the boys were petted by Ashley (9yrs) and Hayley (7yrs)

The dogs really do prefer young girls to young boys, probably something to do with the fact that girls are calmer, more gentle and don't want to chase the dogs!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

On the trail again ...

After a prolonger period of short walks with the dogs to avoid the snow/ice/rain, it was great to be back on the Daniel's Ranch trails again this week.  Kohl, Sky and I all enjoyed and appreciated the great outdoors!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Fun Match at Argus Ranch

Stephen and I spent Saturday at a Show 'n Go held at Argus Ranch.  I took Sky into obedience and rally while Stephen had several agility practice sessions.

This was our second obedience fun match and the first inside. We did OK but highlighted areas we need to improve upon.  Sky certainly didn't like one of the 'posts' in the figure eight staring at him, watch the video on YouTube and you'll see what I mean.

Stephen 'nailed Sky's ass' in agility when he skipped the last couple of weave poles in JWW, Sky didn't miss any again!  Then in Standard Stephen got the opportunity to correct Sky when he missed his contacts, here is the result of his final run ...

All in all we had a very successful day and have both come away knowing which areas we need to continue to work on.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Day 2011

Grandma, Stephen and I took the dogs into Carnation and to Tolt Macdonald Park on 1/1/11.  It was very cold, as you can tell in the pics of Sky below, but it was worth it!  The light and scenery were wonderful, see all the photos here on Picasa.