Kohl's best agility runs ever!!
1/17/2010 7:53:36 PM
Yesterday, Kohl had what Stephen described as Kohl's best agility run ever!
They were cometing at Evergreen Afghan Hound Club Agility Trial at Argus Ranch ... now Kohls favoured venue. Their first class was FAST and not only did they qualify with a score of 75 (55 needed to qualify) but they came first and got a new novice title. Now onto FAST Open Preferred.
The next class, Std Excellent Preferred, wasn't so good, Kohl missed one of Stephen's cues and skipped a jump. Stephen thinks that he wasn't clear enough with his signal.
Finally, they competed in JW Open Preferred, Kohl isn't usually fast enough to qualify in this class but to Stephen's pleasant surprise Kohl was quite quick (he was seen to be running rather than trotting) and jumped clear within the time to give him a max score of 100. Kohl was beaten into second place by a dalmation who was quicker than him.
Next show is on Feb 20th at Argus (again). That weekend Sky and I will be attending a grooming/obedience seminar right down in the south of the state a stone's throw from the Oregon state line.
Moonstone Maybe Tomorrow NA NAJ NAP NJP NFP OAP (Delta Pet Partner)