Monday, July 27, 2009

3 first places and 1 second for Kohl this weekend!!

3 first places and 1 second for Kohl this weekend!!

7/27/2009 5:27:08 PM
Stephen and Kohl braved the record breaking high temperatures this weekend to compete on both Saturday and Sunday at the NW Bearded Collie Club of Puget Sound Agility Trial at Argus Ranch.  Despite the heat, Kohl qualitifed and was placed on both days:
Saturday 25th
Jumpers With Weaves Novice Preferred (20 inch) Score 100 Pacement 2nd (beaten by another poodle, Daphne!)
Standard Novice Preferred (20 inch)  Score 91 (time penalites) Placement 1st!! (Daphne wiped-out!)
Sunday 26th (Daphne not competing on Sunday)
Standard Novice Preferred (20 inch) Score 85 (lowest possible qualifying score. Lost 5 pts for refusal at the dog walk, missed the entry to weave poles which cost time - 10 time penalties) Placement 1st!!
Jumpers with Weaves Novice Preferred (20 inch) Score 89 (one jump refusal and time penalties) Placement 1st!!
Both 'boys' enjoyed themselves and did really well as there were very few Qualitying Scores/'Clean Runs' over the weekend.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Mazama in the Methow Valley

Mazama in the Methow Valley

7/17/2009 6:45:09 PM
We have today returned from 5 nights at River House, a vacation cabin near the banks of the Methow River in the Lost river area 7 miles NW of Mazama (see map here for our route.)
A seasonal river channel, accessed by low bank water front and private river beach, was only steps away from the backdoor -- a few steps further and the dogs played in the year-round Methow River (too cold even for Stephen!).
The River House has breathtaking views of Last Chance Point and Driveway Butte.
Here is some more info, with photos and a virtual tour!
The reason for our trip 'east of the mountains' was twofold, to celebrate our 5th Wedding Anniversary and Stephen's Birthday.  We were married at Freestone Inn (Cutthroat Lodge to be precise) and ate dinner in the Dining Room at Freestone Inn, at the very table we ate our dinner at 5 years ago ... pure coincidence!  Funnily enough, there were two other couples already in the reasurant when we arrived and they were both celebrating Wedding Anniversaries too!.
(Click on the Photos link on the menu bar to see the Methow Valley album)