Monday, May 4, 2009

SnoKing Agility Trial

SnoKing Agility Trial

5/4/2009 8:19:47 PM
Yesterday, Stephen and Kohl entered their first 'Open' Agility classes at SnoKing Agility Trial.  The trial was held outside at Argus Ranch, the weather was kind and no one got wet in the process.
Stephen arrived just in time to walk the course for his first class, Jumpers With Weaves (JWW).  He handed Kohl to a stranger, who made fast friends with him, while Stephen walked the course.  Kohl was slow compared to all the other dogs but he was quick by Kohl's standards so Stephen was pleased with his first performance.  They had a clean run but missed qualifying by just 0.06 seconds :-(  They did better in the next class, Standard Agility (STD) and were only 5 seconds over the optimum time, they recorded a qualifying score of 90 points and came second in his class :-)
Stephen reported that only 4 dogs out of around 30 recorded qualifying scores in STD and that Kohl was the only dog to have clean runs in both events, now all he needs to do is speeeeeed up!!! 
Our trainer, Laurie Weaver, still thinks that Kohl is going to get faster and encourages Stephen to start thinking about how he will run the course if Kohl takes off. She thinks that all of a sudden Kohl is going to think that this is fun (Stephen already knows it's fun)!!